April 23, 2015

Sans Houses - David

This story is the first in a new series called "Sans Houses." After more than 40 years on the street, David has a place to call home. Neighbors photographer and producer Tasha A F Lemley captures David beautifully in both picture and sound.

This story is the first in a new series called "Sans Houses." After more than 40 years on the street, David has a place to call home. Neighbors photographer and producer Tasha A F Lemley captures David beautifully in both picture and sound.

Featured Episodes

April 12, 2018

Miso's Brother

Miso and Dejan are Bosnian refugees who met as children when they were both resettled in the same apartment complex in Nashville, Tenn. After they each turned 30 they made a pilgrimage all the way back to Bosnia to visit the grave of Miso’s younger brother. In confronting generations of grief and t…

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Aug. 1, 2017

Shine Service

Robert Person Sr. — Percy, as he’s known — has been shining shoes for 70 years. He started around age 10 and now, at 80, continues to work at Percy’s Shoe Shine Service in Nashville. He’s worn out, stressed out, but this veteran shoe shiner just can’t stop. The shows editors are Emily Siner, Mack …

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April 24, 2020

The Tree

When a Nashville man named Robert was young, no one seemed to care that he didn’t know how to read. As he got older, lack of literacy affected his life in devastating ways no one could have predicted. Now at Age 55, he’s learning a new skill and awakening the poet within. You can find out more abo…

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